Meet The Founder

D'Arcy Henneberry

D’Arcy is a visionary leader and Certified NeuroChangeSolutions (NCS) Consultant, trained by Dr. Joe Dispenza—the renowned New York Times best-selling author, lecturer, and neuroscience researcher.

D’Arcy is an integral part of a global network of NCS consultants dedicated to empowering organizations with tools that harness the neuroscience of sustainable change.

Collaborating with the NCS group, D’Arcy facilitates programs that elevate employee engagement, foster collaboration, ignite creativity, boost productivity, and drive tangible business results.

This esteemed group of NCS consultants has made a significant impact on teams including: Google, Cisco, Sony, Coca-Cola, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, United Nations Office at Geneva, Microsoft, Rabobank, and Heineken.

In addition to his role as an NCS Consultant, D’Arcy serves as the President of MortgagePal, a leading national mortgage brokerage in Canada.

His leadership not only involves developing essential business skills but also focuses on fostering a cooperative and collaborative culture within the organization.

In this capacity, he plays a pivotal role in imparting valuable knowledge to mortgage brokers, empowering them to enhance their service delivery and meet the diverse mortgage financing requirements of Canadians.

Fueled by his passion for exploration, D’Arcy thrives in the realm of the unknown. Continually seeking and sharing new ideas, he is dedicated to helping others reach their full potential.

Whether navigating the slopes, golfing, or hiking with his faithful black lab, Blackberry, D’Arcy finds inspiration in the outdoors—a place of constant growth and evolution. One of his treasured books is "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot which stands as a source of intellectual curiosity for him.

As a guiding philosophy, D’Arcy embraces the wisdom of Dr. Joe Dispenza

"When you believe in yourself, you have to believe in possibility. And when you believe in possibility, you have to believe in yourself." - Dr. Joe Dispenza

This profound insight encapsulates D’Arcy’s personal belief that possibilities are endless, reinforcing his conviction in the power of self-belief.

Echoing this sentiment, he embraces the mantra of Dory from Finding Nemo: “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.” Dory's simple yet powerful mantra embodies the idea of moving forward with resilience, especially in the face of challenges, and reaching new horizons. D’Arcy not only believes this, but practises it.

He is continually growing and faces new experiences and challenges with immense resilience.

Schedule A Discovery Call

Speak directly with D'Arcy to see how he can help you or your organization.

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